Monocrystalline and Polycrystalline are the two most common types of solar panels and are both highly reliable and efficient.

  • Monocrystalline Silicon Panels
  • They produce a higher yield of solar energy per square foot. They make good use of roof space.
  • Polycrystalline Silicon Panels
  • Multicrystalline silicon is less expensive. Quicker and easier installation of the photovoltaic panel. They can be used with batteries and inverter technology.

    Solar battery is an optional component for a solar power system. The battery is charged with a solar system’s excess energy generated and store the power to be used when solar panels are not generating energy for instance at night.
    Gel batteries and lithium-ion batteries are popular in the industry.

  • Lead acid batteries
  • Lead acid batteries are a tested technology that has been used in off-grid energy systems for decades. While they have a relatively short life and lower DoD than other battery types, they are also one of the least expensive options currently on the market in the home energy storage sector. For homeowners who want to go off the grid and need to install lots of energy storage, lead acid can be a good option.
  • Lithium-ion batteries
  • The majority of new home energy storage technologies, such as the , use some form of lithium ion chemical composition. Lithium ion batteries are lighter and more compact than lead acid batteries. They also have a higher DoD and longer lifespan when compared to lead acid batteries.
  • Gel batteries
  • The Gel battery has no liquid inside, the electrolytes is in gel form and stand solid between positive and negative plate inside battery, meaning its maintenance free. performance stays high and stable until the end of its life. It has better tolerance to abuse and heat during operation hence good for enviroments with extreme weather conditions.

    An inverter is a vital component of a solar system. It’s role is to convert the energy received by the solar array from Direct Current electricity (DC electricity) to Alternating Current electricity (AC electricity). Some inverters have added functionalities.
    Most solar systems use the hybrid inveter beacuase it facilitates storange of excess power from the solar panels into the batteries. Some can even batteries with power from the main electricity grid. This means when power is out the solar system will automatically takeover, you wont have to switch it on and off everytime.

    Our tracking service has no monthly charges. The tracking device sends alerts each time your vehicle is started up. It shows real time location and records vehicle's trip history which you can replay later. Vehicle owners can set a geo-fence boundary whereby an alert is sent if the driver goes beyond. The device sends tampering alerts when turned off, that includes the last recorded GPS location. It also send speeding notifications.

    Non-contact thermometers may reduce the risk of spreading disease between people being evaluated. They are easy to use, clean and disinfect. Measures and displays temperature rapidly.